Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26762 - Human Anatomy I (Musculoskeletal)

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26762 - Human Anatomy I (Musculoskeletal)
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
304 - Degree in Medicine
305 - Degree in Medicine
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.3. Syllabus


  1. Vertebral column
  2. Joints of the vertebral column
  3. Thorax joints
  4. Scapular and pelvic waists
  5. Autochthonous back muscles
  6. Muscles emigres from the back
  7. The neuromuscular system of the thorax
  8. Abdominal muscles
  9. Inguinal canal
  10. Posterior abdominal wall. Lumbar plexus
  11. Perineum
  12. Diaphragm
  13. Trunk arteries
  14. Trunk veins
  15. Sensitivity of the trunk


  1. Bones
  2. Hip joint
  3. Knee joint
  4. Tibiofibular joint and ankle joint
  5. Foot joints
  6. Lumbar plexus
  7. The neuromuscular system of the crural nerve
  8. The neuromuscular system of the obturator nerve (Scarpa triangle)
  9. Sacral plexus
  10. The neuromuscular system of the sciatic nerve
  11. The neuromuscular system of the peroneal nerve
  12. The neuromuscular system of the tibial nerve
  13. The neuromuscular system of the plantar nerves
  14. Proximal vascularization
  15. Distal vascularization
  16. Venous return. Lymphatic vessels
  17. Sensitivity


  1. Shoulder joint complex
  2. Shoulder joint
  3. Wrist joint
  4. Hand joint
  5. Brachial plexus and branches
  6. The neuromuscular system of the musculocutaneous nerve
  7. The neuromuscular system of the median nerve
  8. The neuromuscular system of the ulnar nerve
  9. The neuromuscular system of the axillary nerve
  10. The neuromuscular system of the radial nerve
  11. Axilla
  12. Proximal vascularization
  13. Distal vascularization
  14. Venous return. Lymphatic vessels
  15. Sensitivity


  1. Skull as a whole and endocranial fossae
  2. Facial skeleton
  3. Eye socket
  4. Nostrils and other craniofacial fossae
  5. Temporomandibular joint
  6. The neuromuscular system of the masticatory nerve
  7. The neuromuscular system of the facial nerve
  8. The neuromuscular system of the X and XI nerves: pharynx
  9. The neuromuscular system of the laryngeal nerves: larynx
  10. The neuromuscular system of the spinal nerve
  11. The neuromuscular system of the hypoglossal nerve: tongue
  12. Neck muscles
  13. Trigeminal nerve
  14. Arterial vascularization of the head
  15. Venous return. Lymphatic vessels